It’s that time of year to pack your sunscreen and bathing suit and set out for a vacation. Got to get that time in before the kids go back to school, right? To get to some of those remote destinations, however, sometimes requires a plane ride or two (or three) and going through border control of various countries. This can bring on a whole new level of headache; as shown by this Reddit thread, not all flights are over as quickly as we would like them to be. So read on if you want some inspiration to help you appreciate your next plane ride–or if want to be put off from flying forever!
1. How to Make Your Flight Attendant Cry
At least this writer probably can’t remember this moment and only heard about it. Still, big oof. I don’t envy the poor flight attendant; she must have felt horrible. Even as an accident, no one wants to be responsible for a baby being hurt and potentially scarred.

On the positive side, the scar only lasted for a year, and it seems this Redditor made a full recovery. Being a flight attendant seems like one of the most stressful jobs you could have, given the kind of things they have to deal with. Imagine being up in the air with no access to help of any kind until landing; it’s completely their responsibility.
2. I Think I’ll Just Walk
Boarding and deboarding once is enough of a pain, but doing it six times? Usually, getting onto the plane, putting your bag up top, then settling in your seat is a moment of letting out a sigh of relief, as is finally getting off into the airport.That’s got to be stressful and frustrating. Waiting for hours on end is aggravating enough, but this is like dangling a carrot in front of the horse and never giving it to them. False hope, only for disappointment. Must have been a wonderful moment when they finally took off.
3. We’re In This Mess Together Now
Ew. What a situation, and a gross one at that. I’m not sure if it’s even worse that the woman who did it had no recollection of it, so you can’t even feel angry at her for it; just concerned and maybe a bit bad for her. Throwing up in your sleep does not sound like a healthy individual.Here’s hoping she saw a doctor for the problem after the fiasco. As for the unfortunate victim of this sickness, here’s hoping they were heading toward a vacation that improved after this unpleasant experience. It can only get better from here. Seriously.
4. Everybody Needs Some Elbow Room
Some people are just oblivious. In the case of these two women, they really should be paying more attention to those around them. As someone who always somehow ends up in the middle seat, I can say with confidence it’s never fun to be in that position, even if the people around you are quiet and stay in their own space.The least they could have done was let the Redditor have the armrests, geez. Everyone knows it’s the rule, the middle seat gets to use the armrests; it’s all we chronic middle-seat people get! We live in a society, after all. We’re not savages.
5. That’s One Heated Situation
Okay, this isn’t just a bad plane story; this is a very scary one. This might take the cake for the worst airplane experience, as a plane catching fire and managing to land safely is certainly a tale for the ages! Fortunately, airports are always very well equipped and prepared for anything, as is shown by the fact the firetrucks were here and ready immediately.Imagine being some of the passengers from the back that were brought upfront. Did they smell the smoke? Hopefully it didn’t turn them off from flying; it’s still technically the safest way to travel, after all.
6. Band-Aids Are Not Solutions to Every Problem
Well, by the sound of it, by the time Eastern Airlines shut down, it was long overdue. They shut down for good in 1991, and it seems their planes were poorly maintained due to a lack of budget to the point that band-aids had to be used to repair things.Oof. I’ve been on Spirit Airlines, but this just sounds like a whole new level of unpleasantness, as even Spirit isn’t that bad. Armrests are the only saving grace on some of those flights, and not having one properly working can just ruin an already uncomfortable experience.
7. Is There Anyone On Board Who Knows How to Fly a Plane?
Uh oh. This really inspires confidence, doesn’t it? I can only imagine how it feels to be on a plane with the pilot panicking through the mic for the whole plane to hear. On the other hand, is this normal? Do pilots panic a lot?Maybe that’s something that should, ah, be kept between them and the rest of their crew. With this small oversight, I think everyone knew afterward it was definitely not minor turbulence. Probably had to ride a plane right over a storm
8. Melted Than Frozen, That’s the Way of It
This isn’t a commercial flight story but a military one instead, yet it’s no less groan-worthy in sympathy for the passenger. The sudden fluctuations in temperature sound like a lovely form of whiplash and make us appreciate even the tightest seats on a plane that is normally at least a little more comfortable.Nothing fun about feeling like you’re melting, only for that exact sweat that was supposed to cool you off to be turned against you when the temperature suddenly drops. We’re not built for this, dangit. I was trying to cool off; now I have hypothermia!